Roundtable discussion
Digital Democracies
Roundtable discussion "Digital Democracies: Economics, Politics, Ethics" (58–60 Galernaya Street).
March 1
- 3:00pm Jean-Pierre Cléro (University of Rouen, France) "Is the Coupling with Machines a Threat for Democracy?"
- 3:45pm Gorm Harste (University of Aarhus, Denmark) "The Complexity and Democracy Debate Between Jürgen Habermas and Niklas Luhmann—the Early Themes"
4:30pm Break
- 4:45pm Zinaida Rozhkova (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) "Role and Mechanisms of Public Opinion Formation"
- 5:30pm Carsten Friberg (Denmark) "The Fall of Public Spaces"
March 2
- 10:00am Aleksandra Keydia (SPbU) "E-participatory Budgeting—New Principles of Direct Democracy or an Instrumental Upgrade of Habitual Practices?"
10:45am Break
- 11:00am Polina Kolozaridi (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) "To Save Democracy, Click Here: Critical Analysis of Digital Alarmism"
- 11:45am Dmitry Muraviov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) "Can Algorithms Be Democratic?"
12:30pm Lunch
- 1:30pm Oleg Bresky (European Humanities University, Lithuania) "New Forms of Democratic Representation and Participation"
- 2:15pm Natallia Vasilevich (Cultural Educational Centre "Ecumena", Belarus) "The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (Crete, 2016) addressing Fundamentalism, Democracy and Human Rights"
3:00pm Break
- 3:15pm Student presentations
March 3
- 9:00am Barbara Kowalczyk (University of Wroclaw, Poland) "Smart Borders"
- 9:45am Adam Diderichsen (University College Copenhagen, Denmark) "Policing False Positives: Lessons from Epidemiology"
10:30am Break
- 10:45am Katsiaryna Beliakova (Vitebsk State University, Belarus) "Migration and Security"
- 11:30am Morten Bønke Pedersen (Frydenlund Publishing House, Denmark) "The Value of Democracy: A Kantian Contribution to a Contemporary Understanding of Democratic Legitimacy"