Smolny Conference
The Ninth International Smolny Student Conference "Re-creating a New World" (58–60 Galernaya Street).
The upcoming conference will focus primarily on the changes that have taken place in the world since the start of the pandemic. Closed international borders, cancelled transport routes, lockdowns in individual countries, and the transfer of cultural, business, and social life online has all led to waves of negative comments that the world has undergone a radical transformation and it will never be the same again. In determining the theme of the 2021 conference ("Re-creating a New World") we would like to draw attention to the fact that the discourse about the rise of a new world appeared long before the beginning of the pandemic. We invite the conference participants to look at their own research through the lens of this discourse and reflect on whether the pandemic has indeed changed the vector of global development, or maybe it only accelerated the already existing processes. We encourage you to envision what the world will be like after the pandemic and what role science and art will play in it.
This year's Smolny Conference program will include panel sessions, roundtable discussions, workshops, lectures by leading scholars and teachers from St. Petersburg State University, as well as a short film festival. The possibility to organize networking and collaboration events for students from different countries will depend on the pandemic restrictions in April.