Other Logicians of Writing
Interdisciplinary international conference "Other Logicians of Writing. Memories of Arkady Dragomoshchenko" (58–60 Galernaya Street).
February 13
- 11:00am Opening session. Valery Monakhov (SPbU) "ATD's Library"
- 11:30am Zinaida Dragomoschenko "I Remember. I Want to Remember It"
- 12:00pm Nina Savchenkova (SPbU) "The Melancholic Practice of Creating Existence or About Love for the Idea of Order"
- 12:30pm Evgeny Pavlov (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) "Dragomoshchenko's Revolution"
- 1:00pm Opening of the exhibition of photos taken by Arkady Dragomoschenko
- 1:30pm Thomas Epstein (USA) "Dust of Time: Memory and Representation in Arkady Dragomoshchenko's Prose"
- 2:00pm Anna Glazova (Germany) "Expansion of Poetic Reality: On Ossip Mandelshtam's 'Nasturtium as Event' and Arkady Dragomoschchenko's 'Nasturtium in its Linguistic Structure'"
- 2:30pm Ksenia Mutaeva (SPbU) "Retinal Detachment: ATD and Writing as an Experience of Another"
3:00pm Coffee break
- 4:00pm Evgeny Bylina (Maxim Gorky Literature Institute, Moscow) "Fragment as a Literary Method and Aesthetic Phenomena in the Texts of Arkady Dragomoshchenko"
- 4:30pm Sergey Korovin "The Incendiary"
- 5:00pm Performance by the theatre of dance "Iguan"
February 14
- 11:00am Aleksander Skidan "'Dinner with Friendly Gods.' A Linguistic Change of Course in Arkady Dragomoshchenko's Poetry in the Middle of the 1980s"
- 11:30am Sergey Fokin (SPbU) "Around Citations and Tautologies"
- 12:00pm Elena Fanailova (Svoboda, Moscow) "The Notion of Cold and ATD"
- 12:30pm Kirill Korchagin (Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) "Selfness and Corporality in the Prose of Arkady Dragomoshenko"
1:00pm Coffee break
- 1:30pm Eugenia Suslova (Nizhny Novgorod) "Dramaturgy of Spaces in the Texts of A.Dragomoshenko"
- 2:00pm Andrey Levkin (Polit.ru, Moscow) "Narratives and Descriptions: Two Logics of Writing"
- 2:30pm Elena Dolgikh (SPbU) "In Arcades of Arcadia: Grass"
3:00pm Coffee break
- 4:00pm Roundtable discussion "The Way of Letters:. Presentation of ATD's Library"
- 5:30pm Poetry readings
- 7:00pm Conclusion of the conference