2011, 2013 year
Fedor Timofeev
Межкультурное образование

Diploma topics
Transformation of the Historical Memory of Vyborg: From Soviet Representation of Heterogeny Towards Present-Day Homogeny
Collaboration Between Business and Education to Create a Qualified Workforce: Institutional Principles of Establishment
Project advisers
Alexander Semenov
Today, a career in education in general, and mine of the head of the quality service at Supernova in particular, requires the ability to find new approaches to solving typical problems, critically evaluate incoming information, calculate risks and consequences, and be able to negotiate with people who are not uses to considering other people’s opinions. It is also important to prioritize correctly and not to waste time on solving those issues that do not affect anything. In this sense, studying at our faculty is a perfect first step towards acquiring such skills.