Dmitry Panchenko
Associate Professor, Department of Problems of Interdisciplinary Synthesis in the Field of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ph. D. in History (kandidat nauk)
Born in St.Petersburg, March 17, 1956. Educated at St. Petersburg State University, Department of Greek and Roman History (1973–1978) and Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences, post-graduate school (1979–1982). 1984: Ph. D. in history from Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences; dissertation topic: "Literary Sources of Tommaso Campanella's City of the Sun."
- 1982–1993 Researcher, St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Since 1990 Teacher of history, St. Petersburg Classical High School
- 1991–1992 Post-doctoral fellow, Harvard University (USA)
- 1993–1994 Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington (USA)
- 1994–1996 Editor-in-Chief, "Hyperboreus: Studia Classica"
- 1997–1998 Fellow, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- 2008–2010 Fellow, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (Finland)
- Since 1999 Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University